Finally, in early february, I decided to leave my easy life on the beach in Goa for the Kumbh Mela. With 50 million people comming for taking holy baths in Ganga I didn't really know what to expect, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to find anyone there.
I took the plain from Goa to Delhi, back to the streets in the Pahar Ganj. Before I hated Delhi, now I kinda like it. Everything has it's charm in the end. For a couple of days that is anyway. I was real lucky to get the last ticked on the train. Everything was overbooked due to the festival. I got on an overnight train, and the journey was not bad actually.
First thing that happends in Allahabad, babas are taking me in to their place so I get to relax for an hour or so sitting by his dunhi (fire), doing stuff that babas do. The Baba Ji of this place was a nagar baba. As many of you know, they go naked a lot. Of course he had to do the trick with rolling his 'thing' around a stick and make friends stand on it. I really don't get very impressed. I don't know why he want to destroy his genitals like this, but what do I know. He's in celibat anyway.
Then I was all about finding this Rainbow camp who is for foringers. Maybe after waking like 6 hours, I don't know, I finally find it. The big happy Rainbow family took me in and gave me shelter.
So then I'm all fine and safe in the Kumbh Mela, thinking wow, how in the world am I gonna find my Nath friends here. Well, I got lucky again. Some days after I'm walking with the crowd from the Rainbow camp, and there they are! Not my friends, but som other Nath babas. It's a good thing they have this big rings in their ears, so easy to spot! So I say 'Adesh!', and they are looking at me in shock but smiling. Probably thinking how this blond girl knows this greeting. I'm saying I wanna find my friends, and of course they know, they make a call, and 10 minutes later I'm with my friend on the picture.
Magical things happends in the Kumbh.
And right then I took my first bath in the Ganga.
Om Gange Mata Ji
Khumb at Youtube:
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