
søndag 21. juli 2013

Kundalini Shakti and Yoga Styles


As I see it, it's a total confusion about yoga styles going on. Yoga is an ancient tradition, with endless valuble knowledge. No need for new inventions before you learn the basics of the advanced system that is yoga. It will reach your organs and body aswell as your mind and spirit, inside out, from inner consciousness to universial counsciousness. It's so much to learn in this really interesting tradition. Sometimes the internet is not the right place to learn, beware that informations are sometimes getting lost on the way to the web. Back in the days this knowledge was given from master to student only by mouth.

The Kundalini Shakti can be seen as a divine female energy lying dormant in the base of your spine. You can start this limited within your own body, or you can draw your energies all the way from inside mother Earth all up to the Universe. This you can get to after doing different types of preparation like pranayama (breathing), meditation, and working with your body in asana. I mean, you don’t start any kind of this craftwork in your first yogaclass. Both Yoga and Kundalini Shakti are so huge subjects, and misunderstandigs occour. In the internet it is a lot of wrong information about this Kundalini Craft. Articles about kundalini sickness and all kinds of crazy stuff you can find.
I would really want to clear up some things about the Kundalini Yoga. First of all, Kundalini sickness, I've never witnessed, but did actually meet one that thoight she had it. High up in the Himalayas, back in the days, visiting my teacher (Guru Ji Swami Dayanand). This girl had been shaking and swinging like a pendant all through class. She could explain to us, that it was the 'kundalini power' after class. My teacher said nothing. When she left, he just rolled his eyes. It was a classic exsample of a 'kundalini' experience totaly taken out of the internet or a book maybe. I do anyhow get some kind of 'swinging' or pendant kinda feeling sometimes when I meditate. Then again i focus on my breath and try to sit still, as I am supposed to.

Another really big misunderstanding going on about Kundalini Yoga, is about this one, Yogi Bhajan.
Usually when meeting other western yogis in India, many of them think I follow him. I'm like, wait, what, nooo. It seems like many people think he like invented the Kundalini Yoga or something. This is of course not true.
Kundalini Shakti have been here for centuries. I don’t have anything against this guy, but for me he is just a Indian baba who made it to America, and I guess like that he made many followers.
Carl Jung was actually a big fan og the Kundalini Yoga. He's a more traditional and devoted practitioner of the art than this american one, I'll say. Would be more sutible to follow if you need to follow someone doing Kundalini. But why not just do the Kundalini and follow noone? Ah, devotion to your precious guru ji? It's all well and cool if you want to follow someone, or if you have a Guru, but please, GURU DEV, your Guru inside, is first of all.

All this talk about yogastyles I find a little frustrating sometimes. I think the Kundalini Shakti is important in all kinds of yoga. Just like vinyasa (flow) also is important in evey class. And the asthanga, the 8 limbs, and so on. I really think many times that ‘yoga IS yoga’, when people ask about my style. I feel it’s more about the tradition you want to follow. There are some things that have to be there to even call it yoga, your style is less important.

Always in yoga we work on the body/mind aspect and inner/outer consiousness. In all my classes I have asana, pranayama and nidra. I think without these components, it would not be yoga. However I don’t teach about Kundalini to new students or people at the gym, I teach them simply YOGA.

This amazing Aghori tradition and the left hand path is my personal passion in yoga and life.
Doing Kundalini yoga is like playing with energies. You would like to have free flow, right? This energy you raise through your spine and your chackras. This is very logical since we have the nervoussystem running the same way also and giving signals to your brain. So it kinda all makes sense in the end.

So, Shakti is the female energi, and Shiva is the maskulin energi. Just like the Moon symbolises the left side and the woman, and the Sun the right side and the man. It's all connected, as usual.

Sa Ta Na Ma

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